Let’s normalize that men moan during sex

men moan during sex

Wednesday, January 5. 10am. I put on a porn movie connecting the headphones to the computer for inspiration.

(Each one starts the day as they want)

A couple is having sex on the couch in doggy style . She moans so loudly that it scares me that someone in my family could have heard the sound.

I take off a headset and check that everything is still in order.

When I look back at the screen, they have changed positions . But there is something that remains the same.

She continues to express the pleasure to voices while he only lets out the occasional snort. Nothing more.

The scene is common – the one of them being quiet while having sex – and it is something that has been repeated for years in my sex life .

Rare have been the times that I have come across someone capable of loosening up and moaning.

When porn dad teaches that letting go of those high-pitched sounds and with an almost plaintive undertone is feminine, what man would dare to replicate them?

Surprisingly, we are surrounded by male moans in our day to day life.

They are the ones that Nadal drops when he plays tennis, hitting the ball with all his might.

They are also the ones you hear the musclemen in the gym when they pick up the dumbbells and do chest presses .

The more weight, the more effort and the louder is the groan. In that context releasing the sound is not ashamed.

It’s okay to moan if it’s to prove you’re pushing your body to the limit , with a show of strength worthy of a bodybuilding competition.

But not to stimulate or enjoy more with your partner . According to science, this unstoppable scream facilitates lung ventilation which helps relaxation.

Non-verbal communication during sex also means enjoying the moment more and therefore, greater intimate satisfaction.

So letting out the moans has so many benefits, it’s too good not to .

As a sound guide, they serve us as indicative . We know he is enjoying it and that motivates us to keep going.

To suck deeper, bite harder, lick more often or move faster .

As good voyeurs , we like to see him surrendered to what he is feeling. And there is nothing like the boost of self-esteem for that pleasure that we deliver – and at the same time it belongs to us for generating it.

That makes us horny, come on.Read the rest