In the adult world, there’s nothing better than having paid slips, feeling good about your own body and having sex with whoever you feel the most horny! Furthermore, it is in sex that we rediscover our pleasure through touch and – let us not forget – through the speech of the other. Cursing sex then…surely fall into the category of spicy fucks that unleash our wildest side in bed!
Do you want to learn which curses at the H time are the best to make the intimate moment more exciting? Keep reading this post and see our incredible selection of naughty phrases that will make sex with profanity an experience of great pleasure!
13 Swear phrases to say right away H
Communication is essential in human life. This statement gains even more strength when we are inside four walls! Keeping in mind that consent is as important as the exchange of caresses, kisses and nibbles, it is necessary to talk first with your partner or partner to align the expectations of each one.
Knowing what to say to drive your company crazy in bed is one of the premises of dirty talk – an English expression translated as dirty talk. So, talking before, during and after the hot moment between you can surprise you both in a very good way, whether it’s spicy questions or sentences with a heavier erotic charge!
Make a deal and tell each other what swearing and swearing excites you in bed and what not to do at the right time to avoid embarrassment and go beyond cursing into humiliating. The atmosphere of excitement that sex with name calling provides is perfect when both agree with the idea of being called names during sex!
Did the lack of inspiration hit you around? Breathe that Dona Coelha’s blog brought a great list of phrases with curses for you to try your crush! Meet:
- “Catch me with everything, shameless”;
- “Show what you’re here for, your/your asshole”;
- “I love it when you use your language like that, bastard”;
- “Are you too lazy to get in, bum?”;
- “I’m here for you! Use me any way you want, dog”;
- “Squeeze my thigh, ordinary”;
- “Pull my hair harder, naughty”;
- “Do you like this, wanton?”;
- “I’m naughty/o just for you, my/my rascal/a”;
- “Can’t you stop being this delight, your/your bastard?”;
- “Only for when I say, your blowjob”;
- “Dominate me here and now, bad character”;
- “I’ve been wanting you since breakfast you idiot.”
Tips for swearing sex catch on fire!
Hot sex doesn’t survive just from loud moans! There are more tricks to getting dirty talk wild and potent just the way you want it. As long as you always feel free to test the phrases with cursing at the right time, know that the phrases will flow more naturally in your voice and both will enjoy the moment much more! Here are the little secrets that will give you more confidence to know what to say at the time:
1) Know your company’s profile well
Acting in an extroverted way in everyday life does not mean that the person is not shy at the right time, because sex is still taboo for many out there! Being more or less naughty in bed depends a lot on the real personality of those involved. Remember that your company may be in the process of becoming more intimate with you in order to completely put aside your own shyness, so it’s important to carefully watch each other’s reactions!
If you or your company are not comfortable using heavier words, adapt the examples we cited above for softer language. It’s time to put your creativity into play, baby!
If you don’t know very well the person you want to have fun in bed with, gradually try out some spicy lines. Realize whether this excites you or not. Naturally, you will adjust the rhythm of speech and movements that get you most excited.
2) Use name-calling to create expectations for sex
The magic of sex starts happening long before the date, doesn’t it? Stimulating the imagination of the other while it’s not time to see each other is one of the best ways to drive a … Read the rest